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  1. T

    Friction cord - polyester or nylon?

    I appreciate and understand the concern. All my lifeline hang from a 1/2" screw link attached via 3/8" steel cable or a 3/8" log chain around the tree. I pulled them all down the other day and inspected them all and they were fine. I even use rope thimbles just because. :) Thanks Treespyder -...
  2. T

    Friction cord - polyester or nylon?

    I'm aware of that.
  3. T

    Friction cord - polyester or nylon?

    ...the dark mornings is hook up and climb. Just trying to understand if the cord that stays supple in the elements is polyester or nylon. Thanks. ************************* I may have found my answer - this is the cordage I bought at REI and is what got really still when exposed to the...
  4. T

    Friction cord - polyester or nylon?

    This forum helped me out immensely when I made new lifeline for my tree stand hunting. I had gotten some 7mm or 8mm friction rope that was really soft and supple that stays so even when left out in the weather. Then I bought some more cord at REI which looked ok in the beginning but became very...
  5. T

    Question about using the Blake's Hitch

    What specifically would you use the Blake's Hitch for and what would you not use it for (if any)? Thanks.
  6. T

    Basic system for tree ascent/descent

    I re-saddled one of my "dead horses" tonight . . . and added an extra.
  7. T

    Basic system for tree ascent/descent

    ...a rope around the tree and be chewed on the backside where I couldn't see it. Next time out I'll take a wrench and flip the clamps over - I might even add a third one for added safety. Thanks. ******************************************* Duh . . .
  8. T

    Basic system for tree ascent/descent

    Actually the cable is secured with two tree clamps (saddles) - the second one is barely noticeable just inside the 1/2" screw link. How else should I have clamped the cable, should I add a couple more for insurance? Thanks.
  9. T

    Basic system for tree ascent/descent

    Thanks Stumper, now I understand. A lot of us bowhunters are switching from a traditional tree stand harness to a RC harness - and going from unattached until we tie in at the top of the stand to a lifeline that runs inline with the climbing sticks and we stay connected from when we leave the...
  10. T

    Fisherman's knot - 2 turns or 3?

    I'm not sure, I'll have to find out from the guy I got my samples from. He sent some 7/16" black Bluewater AssaultLine that I really like and two different 7mm 5' sections of prussic rope. One was a bit slick and stiff when tied as a prussic, the brown rope in the pic is more supple and grabs...
  11. T

    Fisherman's knot - 2 turns or 3?

    I'm want to make up several 7mm Prussic loops that run about 16" end to end. I'm securing it with fisherman's knots and going over both sections of rope "just because". Is 2 turns on the knots sufficient or should I use 3? Thanks.
  12. T

    Thoughts on New England Tachyon rope . . .

    as far as working well with frictions hitches and fairly decent to make small eye splices with, thanks.
  13. T

    Can someone explain how this works?

    So this would be a good rope to splice an eye around around a small rope thimble? Thanks.
  14. T

    Can someone explain how this works?

    Thanks Nick, how in hell did you get a million plus posts? That's 80 posts a day, every day for 34 years!
  15. T

    Can someone explain how this works?

    Thanks guys, so the 16 strand braid only in the eye is still stronger than a figure 8 knot, works for me.
  16. T

    Can someone explain how this works?

    Hate to be a pest but I have a question about the Samson Splicing Instructions. Near the bottom of - - in the "16 Strand Class 1 eye Spice", I'm having trouble understanding step 3 - "pull out the core yarns from...
  17. T

    Which would you trust most . . .

    Thanks bonner1040, so when offers "sewn eyes" in the HTP, that's not exactly a DIY procedure I guess - I guess I'll use the figure 8 then!
  18. T

    Which would you trust most . . .

    Actually I'd like to try making eye splices with the Sterling 7/16" HTP static kern mantle rope but I can't seem to find any two methods that agree - one starts with the tag end at 28", another uses 30 times the diameter which for 7/16" would be 13 1/8", and the third is 2 times the 9 1/2" fid...
  19. T

    Which would you trust most . . .

    That's where I'm at, I'm confident in my abilities to follow instructions but like bonner1040, being able to see it would be peace of mind for me. In a spliced eye, I'd probably still want to run a zillion threads thru it with a carpet needle and then hold that together with some heat shrink. I...
  20. T

    Which would you trust most . . .

    . . . a figure 8 follow thru loop knot or a spliced closed eye made yourself in 11mm rope? Thanks.