The Sun Is Threating Us!

Let's nuke it and show it who's boss! No one messes with the US of A.
I'm interested in how it will effect us. I think we'll see more GPS, internet and phone issues than power issues. I think it was an X4 or 5 from what I read earlier. I believe we have suffered worse than that in the past. I just watched this with Levi and Seth. It was a good watch..
3 D Sun 2007 on Hulu.
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Not to be the spelling nazi. Threatening. Or are the magnetic storms already messing things up?:)
I don't know if it's just a coincidence but yesterday was war in the trenchs .We had 4 processers go out and three work stations on a LAN mysteriously change IP addresses .

Something to think about .If you loose communications on a massive computer driven system you're pretty much screwed .

Now my example was just a small portion of a large industrial manufacturing facility .What if it is such a thing as a massive world wide financial concern or perhaps a defense system .Same with a nation wide system control the electrical grid .Might sound trivial but in reality it could be serious .

The world has became to embroiled with computer driven systems of all types it's came to the point that without same business would be all but impossible to operate .
They had predicted unusually high solar activity this year .Only time will tell what if anything becomes of it .

I personally hope it settles down before we all cook as hot as it's been .Kinda odd when parts of Canada are nearly as hot as Arizona .