I Love Wikipedia!

You get an amen from me, fer sure.
I used to have several different encyclopedias, now they have all be carted to the dump.
Cool avatar, RopeA. Is that a red tail on a squirrel kill?
Another AMEN, Brother Butch! I love looking up the history of music and the composers for stuff I'm learning.

It's a great resource for knots and rigging, too. :)
In the future, books will only be in museums and rich people's houses.
It will be the trend in the near future sooner than we might think .Fact most text books will soon be eliminated in high school teaching .The schools are set up for wireless and every student has a lap top .

It's the age of information and weather it's good or bad it's what shall be .The internet all by it's self has brought to people all over the world information that in the past was only available to a select few .It's a two edged sword though because we have became so dependent that without it the worlds business cannot be conducted .Fact some authors ,Clive Cusler for example has works of fiction with the subject of cyber wars that have a ring of truth and reality to them .
Not only cyber warfare, but anything and everything with a chip in it (cars, trucks, PCs, phones, power grids, etc,etc) can be disabled by an electromagnetic pulse (emp) which is a by product of a nuke explosion. And weapons have been developed which feature the emp as it's main effect. So while a nuke detonation may be unlikely, if one occurred it could bring our current chip-based society to its knees.
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Google's pretty cool, also. AWESOME for song lyrics... I can't believe how wrong I was with most of them! Har!
Yes, Red Tail.
Bible college in a remnant forest in Kitchener.
I was kicking snow off of stumps for an estimate and
he got real close. 1st overhead and than on to the ground.
Cory, who's your avatar buddy ?
I use Wikipedia a lot but I always have it in the back of my head it's morons like me adding the information to create it.
I also use Google for song lyrics myself!
Well, you know what I mean, there can be some misinformation posted meant with the best intentions because someones uncles neighbor told him this was the way it was and they don't know better because that's what they've been told and believe it.
Well, you know what I mean, there can be some misinformation posted meant with the best intentions because someones uncles neighbor told him this was the way it was and they don't know better because that's what they've been told and believe it.

There was a group of scientists that matched Wiki against the online version of Encyclopedia Britannica ( which, in it's book form, was THE encyclopedia of yesterday!!) testing for accuracy.

Wiki won hands down!
I love Google. I credit it for a great deal of the information.I've acquired in the last 6 years. There's plenty if bad info on the net, so when I doubt I lean toward info consistent from several sources.