I dig old people


Aug 16, 2008
Given the abundant cultural changes that have taken place within the last seventy to one hundred years, a period of time since when a lot of still living people were born, these folks really have experienced a lot of history, both within their own lives and what went on round them. Every once in awhile I see an elderly person walking down the middle of the street, or when also pushing a little buggy to give them support (common here). Sometimes I wonder what they have in their buggy there? They could be remembering when there were no cars to have to contend with, and it's like they own the road. A little dangerous these days, especially around curves, :O but it is cool too. Old folks deserve a lot of respect and being allowed their space. A friend of mine works in a home for the elderly, ones that are pretty far gone in their mental capacities. I once asked her about whether it's a little spooky working there alone at night? She replied that to the contrary, she gets a feeling of comfort and peace around the people that have known so much, even though they may no longer be able to express it. I thought it was an enlightening statement, and mainly wanted to share it.
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Yeah, I'm talking about the good ones....or perhaps in some regards the easier ones to deal with. I helped a friend and his family move, including his elderly father, and the whole time his dad was cussing me out. It started wearing on me.
I have a great old friend. He's 86 this yr. he was a tail gunner over Japan he built his own backhoe and sold the diagrams to Case back in the early yrs. the nicest guy you'll meet with all kinds of stories. He handmade my 3 yr old daughter a dollhouse to match the one I built for our family to exacting detail. This guy will really be missed when he finally goes. You have to love his stubbornness too, he lost part of his leg in the Eighties from some war complication and walks with a walker and drags his leg cause he is still pissed they wouldn't let him keep his leg. Ed is a great old character.
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When I first came to Asia many years ago, I immediately saw a lot of older people that looked like this guy. It blew my mind to say the least, I had never seen anything like it. Proud and appreciated. Sadly, it's gone now.


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Old trees like old people are a living link to our past. Go visit them both, it is better than reading about it.

And here I thought that thread title might pull Frans back into the fray.
It is great to know that I am dug!!! There had to be some advantages to old age, besides just increased orneryness. Thanks fellas!
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Bob, people that go up to do tree work, get a special compensation to keep from being considered old. That is at least what I'm hoping.
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Comebacks are slower, that's for sure. Funny how I often feel tired two days after heavy work, more so than the day after. I hear it is common with aging. There must be a physiological explanation.
Frans buries old people, or at least he used to.

Frans is no longer digging graves. He gave it up some time back. I'm not exactly sure what he's up to right now but I think a little tree work and a little this and that. He's living on rural property that used to be a winery and has a HUGE vegetable garden. He's really into being Farmer Frans right now.
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  • #19
Thanks for the update, Terri, i wondered what ol' Frans is up to. If you should happen to see him, tell him to drop in and enlighten at the gardening thread, for sure.
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Butch, it doesn't have to be where you live, if someone could loan you a little piece of ground, maybe at very minor expense, or....? I'd like to see you get into it, if possible. It can be quite enjoyable to raise tasty crops.
Even though I have a garden at home, I bet any client I asked would give me space in their garden in return for some of my bounty.