Foot pain

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  • #27
I remember reading that. That shite makes me sick to think about.
Those "foot/ankle things" are orthotics. I have used them since the early 90's when I had a bad bout with a bursa in the forefoot. It took several tries for the doc to get it right but once I got used to them they made a huge difference. There is a very good chance that orthotics will give you a lot of relief.

Once you get the orthotics "right" and they are working you might consider getting a backup pair when one set gets wet (or lost or chewed by the dog...or one of the boys:D) you will not be without them. Once you get used to them you really miss them when you don't have them.

Good luck....keep us posted.
I also just remembered that when I was having my foot pain I went from a size 8.5 shoe to a 10. I didn't know your feet grew as you got older...not really important, I guess, just an observation.
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  • #30
I was going to check with insurance to see how often I can get new ones. I can't imagine one pair lasting me that long.

I saw that I need "training" to use them, but from what you are saying, I might need training. I am glad to hear they actually work. How long until you got relief? I really want it sooner than later.
Relief for me was several months, I think...but that was because they initially tried some paste on pads (metatarsal pads) that didn't really do anything. When I first wore the orthotics they were not comfortable and took some getting used to...they give support where it is needed but not where you have had it you have to get used to it. They had me only wear them a small amount at first and gradually increase the time I wore them.

Hopefully, your orthotics will be straightforward and simple to adapt to. I think you are on the right track, just work with it.