Queen's Christmas Message


Captain Zero!
Dec 8, 2013
North Central Montana, bloody cold!
Okay, so sort of an odd request....

I just found out about this tonight. My FIL is visiting and filled me in.

Anyone know of a way for folks to listen or watch this year's message in the states?

Is it available on the internet or something?

It’ll be on the BBC news I would have thought, can’t see it being restricted.

Go on then, why the interest?
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Well, I never knew it was a thing until tonight.

My kids are interested in their New Zealand heritage. Well....Welsh and English heritage.

I just thought it would be interesting to let them listen in.
Found this on Al Gores amazing internet Jim...

The Queen's Christmas Message is embargoed until 3pm on Christmas Day. It is then broadcast on BBC One, ITV, Sky 1, and Sky News from 3pm until 3.10pm. You can also listen to it on BBC Radio 4.
It’s a kind of state of the union thing, but non political.

She rarely says anything controversial, but focuses on “challenges” ahead, some spiritual stuff, family based.
The sort of thing I have avoided for the best part of my life.

I think it is generally the older generation, at least my grandma, would insist on Christmas dinner be finished before all the grandkids were bored to death by 'er Majesty.

Nearly all the quoted sources don't allow content broadcast out of the UK but I am sure you will able to find it somewhere.
I think everybody who has the misfortune to live in a monarchy gets to listen to the yearly royal bla-bla-bla nonsense.

Jim, you can probably find it on youtube after new year.

That is where I found the Danish version:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VlNP_tc3Ww4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Apparently we are way less smart than the French.
They found the right way to get rid of theirs over 250 years ago.
But at least people get to vote for him , or against, for that matter.

We're stuck with the others.
I don't generally listen to the Queen's Christmas Message, but I am very fond the Queen.
I can't exactly put my finger on why, it's more of a combination of things. When you are from what is in many senses of the word a 'Colony', she is that thread of continuity that surpasses idiot Premiers, and self Governing shenanigans, she being the representation of British stability like the Privy Council...yeah a bit star in the eyes I know, BUT when the shit hits the fan either politically or violently, 'the Crown' can and has, stepped in to administer a return to reality. 'The Crown' doesn't even have to be 'the Queen', more the British structure, but she's been there so long, she's seems sort of like (now at least) a sensible Grandma in a sea of political lunacy. Also, my heritage is British/Irish we grew up singing 'God Save the Queen'...she's been there for ever.

She has visited Bermuda six times and EVERY time across the board there is a huge turnout to see her. The first time I remember was 1975 (and she'd been twice before that), then the last was 2009. It won't be the same for Charles or anyone after her I think.

Besides she looks a bit like my Mum.
She is more German than English & as desirable as a dose of the clap! Sorry, but apart from her draw as a tourist attraction, I see no place in this modern world for her or her free loading family.
It is pretty bizarre how lavishly they live and all they have to do is provide fodder for the tabloids and give an occasional holiday toast.