Keyless entry on cars


Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
Sure, I'm a dinosaur, but this things suck and are the opposite of progress.

I googled them and apparently they make cars harder to steal by hot-wiring but of course easier to steal in other ways.

When are engineers going to figure out that a large market segment wants a simpler, more basic car, not some chit you literally need to take a course in how to operate before you can start it and drive away. Intuitive controls seem to have completely disappeared. Go figure.
I'm with you Cory. I would love to see a company that made hardcore work trucks, but the way they were rather than now, using only proven stuff. Big heavy frames, simple cabs, and motors that don't have so much engineering. Stick shifts, lockouts, pto standard, work beds rather than regular beds, etc. At a price point half of what these super tall car trucks go for now. I think they would do well lol
I like my trucks keyless ignition and keypad on the door, suits me very well since I don't carry keys. I do occasionally use the remote start from the second fob in the house.

I'd think you're in the minority, which mass production isn't interested in.
The working man is a dying breed Kyle. I miss the 60’s era trucks. Most folks can’t even change a tire now days let alone rebuild an engine or transmission. Sad really.
Most of those 50 thousand dollar cowboy limousines I see every morning in the parking lot at work will never carry anything but a set of golf clubs until about the third owner . 50 grand for a flippen truck ,I never thought that would happen .
I really miss the little triangle vent window on the door, the ones that would actually direct the air straight at you...
The working man is a dying breed Kyle. I miss the 60’s era trucks. Most folks can’t even change a tire now days let alone rebuild an engine or transmission. Sad really.

Most folks never could change an engine or transmission.

New cars are much more reliable, faster, more economical, comfortable and safer.

It’s fine doing up and running around in old shit for a laugh.
I almost always keep my windows rolled up and the AC going.

The inside stays a lot cleaner and I stay cool.
We’re talking about trucks Mick. Manly trucks for manly men, not some shit you only drive to Starbucks, something you can beat the hell out of and never notice it and still fix it without a lab coat a computer and a phd. There’s still a few of us left that can survive without all the luxuries and would rather do so.
A simple truck. Lol lol lol! *

Trucks went the way of the Harley Davidson. Rides made famous by the rank, tough, work with your hands, salt of the earth types. Now they cost $50-$70K...... WTF???

Harley is heading for the hurt locker because they forgot their base. It used to be the chosen toy of middle age dudes but they rode that into being the high end toy of retiring folks who are now aged out and no longer buying bikes. They made it ok to take your trailer to bike week.....:lol: Now the newer generation of middle age dudes is choosing other ways of taking out their middle age frustrations than the classic, "Let's get a Harley and jump a mountain of cocaine with a stripper on the back..."

Lucky for strippers and cocaine that some things never go out of style. Chocolate and peanut butter...

Pick-ups went from being the tool of the cowboy and blue collar man to being 1 ton, 4x4 grocery trucks with leather, power windows, and a sun roof.

Could I please just get a 1 ton, roll up windows, manual locks, and have it cost less than a small fortune?

*disregard the comments of this poster as he drives a beat up, old diesel with 300K miles*
I love my city truck. Just got to buy secondhand is all. I'm no fool. It's got a window dealer sticker of 60g still in the glove box, about 10g in aftermarket on it and I paid 18,900 for it about four years old. Y'all have seen the pics before, no way that truck is hauling firewood or anything filthy, dirty...heh you there, manly man, don't lean against my truck with your jeans please. Lol.

The only thing I don't like about everyone's keyless entry is the horn 'honk' confirmation. I try to never miss a opportunity to hassle someone when I hear them beep their door locks when walking away. I ask, 'how do you know it's locked?' They reply, 'because the horn honked'. To which I reply, 'what if the horn honked but the doors didn't actually lock?' Ahhhh never grows old. Lol.
I wonder what the stats are on that? The doors not locking?

True, secondhand is the wisest choice - especially one owner.
The fact that a work truck costs as much as a house is obscene. I understand that cars and trucks will slowly become more advanced as time goes on, but this is ridiculous. Meeting the epa standards is tough, but you would think that rather than ramping up hp like they've done, better mileage and longevity would be preferred. They've jacked the trucks up so high to "look cool" that they've actually started adding ladders in the tailgate to get into them. That's dumb as hell. I understand that planned obsolescence and dealer only maintenance makes for more profits, but I'm shocked that anyone would buy shit like that and support their profit scheme, especially with all the outsourcing. $80,000 for something that weights 8k is nuts.

And it's not just cars. This summer the company I worked for rented a John Deere excavator, and the damn thing had heated and cooled cup holders. Wtf.
Few years ago a coworker bought an ol 53 M35A2. He put a “V” blade on her and I made up chains for all 6. First good snow we got he called and said lets go play. I asked what he had in mind. Said he was gonna open up the road going down to the lake, told him he done lost his gotdamn mind. The road to the lake is 15 miles of one lane dirt and ruts hell in the summer, no locals go down to the lake in the winter. A foot of snow here in the valley equals 6 and 8 foot drifts up there. Every time a snowflake falls here the transplants want to go camping at the lake and get stranded back there, crazy bastids. So I told him I’d be up in a bit. Wife says I’m going with ya, I said ya sure? Oh yeah, I want to see what the big attraction is. So 5 hours later we get to the lake and sure enough there was a few new Jeeps and Land Rovers stuck at the cabins. They came crawling out of the cabins like they had just been saved from certain death, lol. Coming back out the wife said that was priceless. I said what, she said the look on the those wives faces. I told her I didn’t understand. She said the minute we pulled up and jumped out them girls realized they had married pussies. We got a good chuckle out of her perspective.