When out of space...


May 6, 2005
South East Sweden
What to doo?

Well you put stuff in boxes bins and shelf..
But when they are full? What then..

I could not figure out any really good solution that fit my wallet... So I get a few bin's on wheels, get big bags and fill this with boxes...

Left is cubical Partners, right is Partner R11/R12.

Yes he is. That's why I've always kept a close eye on him. I feel certain he won't be content until he has all of the chainsaws. All of them!
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  • #7
Sthil is nothing that ticke my collecting nerv, but I have some..
BLK First model with big tank.
Contra Gocart engine
Valmet made Contra
S10 Super
020AVP in box. With heated handles.
026 in box
028WB Quickstop
030AV in box
031AV in box
TS 350
And 10 or so more not in list

And lots of parts..
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Horder I don't know.. I can throw stuff, just not functioning chainsaw parts..
Show me a broken vacumecleaner I happily throw it as far as I can..

I do have a lot of chainsaw stuff... I have been out of space a long time..
Magnus is only one of many .Larry Stiener has amassed a barn full as have others .I've only got a shed full myself ,small by comparison .
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We are many collectors. I don't have a big collection in comparison to all of us collecting.
Just here in my country there is those with double my size.

But I am pretty alone in collecting chainsaw collectors.
We are a pretty merry bunch.
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I still think you should try to set the world record for most chainsaws ever to run at once , prob need a helper

We try to end each show with all saws running at once. Hopefully we get that done this years meetkng as well. 50-60 saws we had idling at one time.
More than 10-15 per guy is hard as you want to rev them up every now and then.
Magnus, I may be mistaken, but wasn't there some talk about you having a proper place to permanently exhibit saws?
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  • #15
Magnus, I may be mistaken, but wasn't there some talk about you having a proper place to permanently exhibit saws?

Yes. I had it going two years now. I got about 200 saws there and a couple from other collectors.

We try to get a bigger place were we can show of more from many collectors making a sort of super exibit of saws.
Not a easy thing to do..

I am up in museum now and then and its a hole lot more fun to sit there and look at the saws than packed in shelfs here.
There is perhaps in avrege 10 visitors/month.
First sunday afternoon in month I open, other than that they just call and I go up and show it.
76 visitors at once is record. They lined up and walked slowley thru it as ducks crossing a road.
Those a bit more interested took two turns, there was about 25 that stuck around and had questions, talked for a bit.

Its four rooms. This is the big room.
