California Drought Tree Mortality Meeting 2015


California Hillbilly
Jun 30, 2008
Near Yosemite in CA USA
There was some good video taken at the meeting.
My favourite speaker was the Forest Pathologist in part 3.
Just thought I would share this as it does pertain to tree health and conditions important to us all.
Get a cup of coffee, or a glass of your favourite beverage and sit back...

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This last one is more of the Q & A at the end. Pretty much everything had been answered at this point.
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  • #9
Shopping for one. Financing is the issue at hand. Does not help I had to throw the equivalent of a do down on a transmission this week :(
Interesting...taking me a bit to get through them but that's cool...

Nick, stay away from our lakes....:P

Butch, If they want to be out there shouldn't they learn to survive on their own resources? they have a whole ocean to suck up and desalinize, I keep wondering what the problem is with that...People take poop out of water and drink it why not salt?
That is crazy, scary stuff. It's a shame what the drought is doing.

But btw, is it too soon to tell what other, new, or different plants are filling the voids created by the die off?

Thanks much for posting. I've seen the die off in Colorado mountains and I was interested in info on it.
We can't afford to send water there this year, going to be dry without that! Cinch up your belt a notch Cali!
Also, watering each of those spruce trees would be some project.
That's a bit more than I can look at now, but I will. Thanks, Stephen.

More than plenty for me too, but I will probably watch one this week.

On another note, some coast redwoods saw unprecedented height growth the past two seasons, particularly over last year. The most vigorous showing an increase in one year near equal to all 4 previous years combined.
More than plenty for me too, but I will probably watch one this week.

On another note, some coast redwoods saw unprecedented height growth the past two seasons, particularly over last year. The most vigorous showing an increase in one year near equal to all 4 previous years combined.

Any idea what accounts for that? Thank you in advance for any answer you choose to give.

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  • #24
That's just it. These numbers do not include private or lands outside of those designated forests. Truly, you look at the hills and imagine 40-50 percent of the trees gone. 40% is the projection.