Short bar techniques.

I tend to refer here to my rear handled 200 as a "200RH"...but that's just my own lingo. I've found it not uncommon for many folks, even those in the know, to not be aware that the MS200 came in a rear handled version.
200RH is a good name to call them without confusion. Some of the best arborist training companies use that very saw as their "go to " training saw.
Also not to forget an excellent cleanup saw for a ground crew.
My memory seems more in line with Cory's. One can push anyone's buttons sufficient to cause an improper reaction, especially if one consciously desires to do so.

But I'll always hold that this is Butch's forum, to rule as he sees fit. Not my call, not one I want.
Nor should you. I'd be the first to say Brian tended to be touchy and ready to fly off the handle with little provocation.

But imo he was a valued member, and supported the site and especially our members well, when he was here. I didn't always get along with him, didn't see eye to eye fairly often, but miss him even so.
Brian was cool and a great contributor. But if you can't stay cool with Butch who's pretty friggin easy going, then? The Treehouse is Butchs House and ya gotta respect that.
Generous chap he was too (Brian), sent me a saw oil pump. I tried to stay in contact with him, but i think he wanted to move on. Just hope he's doing well.
Yup, he sent me his spare rigging block and sling when mine got lost...
He came close, but he only killed the car. I bumped into him on another forum a couple of years ago, I did mention it here then. Don't go there much anymore, and he's really finished with tree guys. He bought a house out of town a bit with a big block and he's doing alright last I saw.