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  1. emr

    Best rope and best price for rigging lines.

    I don't think Husky rope is a low quality rope at all. It's not new and it's made by a great company who makes many very good products. It's just made by a smaller company. I know I am able to keep my prices lower than my competition here because I am smaller and more efficient. Same thing with...
  2. emr

    Best rope and best price for rigging lines.

    I say get the 9/16". I worked for years with that being the biggest rope in our arsenal. 1/2" might be easier to use everyday because of the lower bulk, but you get used to the extra size of 9/16" real fast.
  3. emr

    Best rope and best price for rigging lines.

    I think the rope is initially stiffer than Stable Braid but after use I cant tell the difference. Maybe the diameter of the Husky is larger which would account for the added weight. As far as chafe resistance and strength couldn't there be a difference in the way the sheaths are made and a...
  4. emr

    Best rope and best price for rigging lines.

    Treestuff should be free shipping????
  5. emr

    Best rope and best price for rigging lines.

    $135 for 200ft
  6. emr

    Best rope and best price for rigging lines.

    For all you guys who are voting SB, have you tried AllGears Husky as well? I am having a hard to putting my finger on why exactly I prefer Husky but I do. I think it's every bit as durable, I believe it's stronger, it's cheaper and I reallylike the hand feel of it once it's broken in.
  7. emr

    Best rope and best price for rigging lines.

    We use 16 strand XTC for natural crotch. We picked up a spool from Baileys I think and it was on sale for $300 something. Great rope for natural crotch. We have Stable Braid, Polydyne, and Husky double braids for false crotch rigging. I have to admit I like All Gears Husky lines the best. Good...