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  1. Thor's Hammer


    I can totally concur on this. I stopped going to the gym last year after I got a bad dose of the flu. I went to join again recently, but decided to concentrate on aerobic fitness BEFORE I start lifting again. I made a deal with myself that I will run 5K continuous before I join the gym again...
  2. Thor's Hammer


    That deadlift figure is pretty amazing Carl. 1.5x body weight is a good lift. 2x is very very good, and takes a fair bit of training. Anything over 2x is difficult to say the least.
  3. Thor's Hammer


    Do you guys warm up before your runs?
  4. Thor's Hammer


    I recently started running, and I'm finding it tough. I bought an iphone app (couch to 5k)to help with the training, and this time round I've stuck to the program. It tells me when to run, when to walk etc. So far I'm running every other day for about 35 minutes, and covering about 10 miles a...
  5. Thor's Hammer


    Meh. Scenery can make up for a lot ;)
  6. Thor's Hammer


    Max incline will certainly do the trick. You would enjoy mountain hiking round here.
  7. Thor's Hammer


    I've read exactly the same thing Cary, particularly on the cushioned shoes. I have a pair of reebok trail shoes, minimal cushioning, plenty of grip. Mostly I've been running / training on a treadmill, as its in the gym, I do 20 - 25 minutes, then an hour of weights. I want to get out trail...
  8. Thor's Hammer


    What speed level and incline on your treadmill Butch?
  9. Thor's Hammer


    I wasn't aware that I could get walking wrong. Whilst I don't disagree that long term running can have adverse effects on the joints etc, running takes a greater amount of effort than walking.
  10. Thor's Hammer


    Power walking will not put my heart into the aerobic zone.
  11. Thor's Hammer


    That's unlikely to get your heart rate into the aerobic zone though. A month ago, a fast walk was enough to do that for me. Then it was walk - run - walk - run. Now its run - run- run - walk - run.
  12. Thor's Hammer


    That's friggin' awesome mileage Cary. I am struggling to hit 6 miles a week, but yesterday was the first time I managed to run 20 minutes non stop. Slow pace, but I managed to run through the breathless stage, and carry on. One of the things that's helped is wearing a heart rate moniter, that...
  13. Thor's Hammer


    That is friggin' awesome Greg. I am just about managing 3 miles on the flat...
  14. Thor's Hammer


    You need to look at Vibram five fingers
  15. Thor's Hammer


    Banana Hammock :D Buzz uses the runkeeper app for iPhone - good and cheap, but not up to the Nike chip level...