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    Anyone ever paid to gain access??

    Cory, 90 of main boom and 43 jib

    Anyone ever paid to gain access??

    Cory I love my crane! I am probably an anomaly because I have such a small work area, mostly within a 10 mile radius. I can sneak that thing in where no other crane can go and with 90' of stick and a 35 ton capacity we can tackle pretty much any tree. IMO $70K was money well spent and I will...

    Anyone ever paid to gain access??

    ok pic time... our access got crane in then time to roll

    Anyone ever paid to gain access??

    OK so access worked great for us. Job was just NUTZ. Im working for a guy who is obviously very wealthy and very old. I get on with 2 of his neighbors but the 3rd is a jerk. My client wanted chips left on site so he could use them around his expansive plantings, or should I say his mexicans can...

    Anyone ever paid to gain access??

    I bid the job so the money comes out of my profit but it will save me at least 2 days and will make the job SO much safer

    Anyone ever paid to gain access??

    OK this is a first for me. Have a horrible job, huge poplar got hit by lightening and has massive dead leads, trunk is 5+ feet, absolutely no access from my customers lot . Only access we could get would just about squeeze the wheel loader in so plan was to make 1000 trips up and down a steep...