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  1. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    No, I sourced some good rugged plastic bags, about .70 each...I'm encouraging people to recycle them, I'm having a bit of a crisis of conscience about the plastic, been through about 150 so far. Yes I sell a truck load too, a couple people waiting for my next loads.thanks for the...
  2. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Yeah, that's what I I reckon I average about 4 yds with the taper off to the stern...not bad for a little ute. Anybody care to hazerd what a yard of fresh chips might weigh...ballpark?
  3. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    My bed is 8'6"x 6', the sides are about 3, so what's that in cubic yards?' be honest, I'm not entirely sure what the weight capacity is, almost 2 ton or thereabouts (am I bad for not knowing)? We've put aftermarket suspension on the rear. Fully loaded to the boards with fresh chips...
  4. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Bump...for those reading this from Patricks thread Love my chipper, much more flexibility on those one off jobs in the city...people buy my chips at $5 a bag at my gate. No problems with maintenance. We have smooth form ply in the bed of the ute, so it is easy as to use a 90* fork to shovel it off.
  5. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Not sure quite what you mean about the tarp mate? I was thinking tarp on the bottom of the tray and up over the roof of the cab. Then when done chipping flip the tarp down and have ropes in all four corners, top and bottom to tie it to something then pull the whole lot out by driving forward...
  6. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Yes indeed Willard, the guy I bought it from has already sent me the manual, just travelling and hitch hiking WiFi I haven't looked at it yet. Steve we've considered converting the Ute to a tipper, there's a place in Launceston that would do it, so it's definitely an option, for the time being...
  7. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Half paid for...I' ll do pics when I have it. Hubby is a good basic diesel mechanic and has taught me well so between us most maintenance should be OK, or at least knowing when to consult a professional. I'll have to dig out my notes and stuff from college on knives...but I do remember them...
  8. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Bermp, bermp...!
  9. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    The deed is done. He came back and said someone else was interested, I laid out my acceptable terms and he said OK! It pays to stand your ground sometimes. So I will have a new toy to play with when I get back...smiling
  10. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Thanks for that Mick, all advice and insight gratefully received. Will land in Bermuda on Tuesday, should be cranking the dollars by next week, all going well, so that chipper may yet end up behind my truck...
  11. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Already have loan for the truck... Didn' get time to make enquiries before I left, and the loan person only comes once a week between 10 and 2. Just one of those things 'tribulation worketh patience'
  12. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Well I don' t have the full amount, and he wanted a non- refundable deposit to keep it until I could pay the balance, only thing was he was asking around 4k for the non- refundable. Couldn't commit to that. In my book non- refundable deposit is 10%. I was willing to put half down and pay off the...
  13. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    I'd have to source something on the mainland...and I won't buy something that big and expensive (used) unless I can go see it.
  14. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Got free dump spot at home, and one at a client's property. Thinking about setting up a green waste removal service... Going away this week, won't be back for three months so the chipper would be idle in the meantime...
  15. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Went to see it, price was down to 12,500AUD, he came down to $12,000 Nice unit, new anvil, two sets of new blades direct from manufacturer, new battery, new tyres, plenty greasy 1108 on the clock. Oil was clean, hoses secure and no leaks. Previous owner was an arborist who left the state. 2006...
  16. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Hey, fire season is just about overnow, everything is out! Typing this on my tablet, we are on the way to go see the chipper...thanks for all the suggestions of what to look for, we have a list...
  17. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    There are about 60 fires burning in Tasmania right now...check it out! We are just about in the middle of the spot with no fires, but smoke is all over, our 'buddy' brigade 10kms north were called out yesterday afternoon at 3pm, didn't...
  18. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    NOPE!!! Really smokey today, got the house all closed up...wind is supposed to pick up later, could be interesting. Both our fire trucks are ready to roll...
  19. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    Well if we can get a break from the fire danger days, I can go south and see it. Three new fires just started up this afternoon west of us...smoke everywhere. We are downwind, ember spotting could drive some fire into our response's 4:30 so hopefully the wind will ease soon!
  20. Bermy

    Looking at a used chipper...

    It's going with a truck mounted cherry picker, but he'll sell them separately. Looks like a tidy little outfit, link below He did say in the add the chipper has been kept in a shed. All very good advice gents, thank you...