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  1. Bermy


    Oh I dream of the day we can laser through's the follow through to infinity that's the problem I reckon...
  2. Bermy


    In't that the truth! :)
  3. Bermy


    I am movin' dude, moving wit de shiny new gear...gotta be soon, I'm dying with anticipation :) Will make it all worth while when it gets here!
  4. Bermy


    Oh the a bunch of stuff 'on the way' from TreeStuff, international postage, it's killing me waiting for the postman every morning and that long awaited parcel pickup notice! You lot Stateside who get next day or two day delivery, count your blessings! :)
  5. Bermy


    For real!
  6. Bermy


    thanks, where'd you get the neck shade from? Thinking of my upcoming cliff clearing job, going to be hot and in the sun.
  7. Bermy


    Do they have them in long sleeve?
  8. Bermy


    I've been wearing my TreeStuff Francitals in the heat and humidity...what Willard says, as long as the torso/arms are getting cool, my legs don't matter as much. Wearing a camelbak with frozen drink in it helps too, it melts just enough to sip at from time to time and boy oh boy does that cool...
  9. Bermy


    Oh well.
  10. Bermy


    Are they chainsaw protective, or at least steel toe?
  11. Bermy


    Wore the Francitals all day for climbing and ground work...not bad at all. Now if I could get some lightweight chainsaw old SIP's are a bit like plodding around in concrete blocks.
  12. Bermy


    Nope. But I believe you!
  13. Bermy


    Well I've worn just about everything, other saw pants are definitely heavier, chaps are nasty in the heat over work pants, work pants are nasty, the Francitals are nice. Could be the lightness contributes to the sensation of coolness. Mind you I did have a half frozen camelbak with me.
  14. Bermy


    Ok, I wore my Francitals for the first time today...I said I'd post a review for everyone and another Thank You to TreeStuff! 80* high humidity. Climbing casuarinas. They fit like a charm and are surprisingly and pleasingly cool. Even being black with a fair chunk of protection on the front...
  15. Bermy


    Cool! I also wondered about the packing...for overseas the smaller the better, even those tough plastic envelopes. Might be putting in another order soon...have a week of cliff clearing on an island nature/historical reserve, casuarinas are breaking up the cliffs. Need more Stuff!
  16. Bermy


    Ya, I dumped all the old gas and mixed pfresh, got caught in the pfalse economy last year of trying to use old gas, my saw was not happy. it pfalterd and pfailed right when I needed it to perpform. ;)
  17. Bermy


    I shoulda said: 'Pfanners pfit my pfanny real pfine' Still waiting for a job to wear my new Francitals so I can give them a review. All work so far I've been doing with the Zubat and Sugoi, 200t has only been refuelled and started and warmed up after it's 8 month rest. Haven't needed it yet!
  18. Bermy


    Who ya callin' goofy! Dose pants are way cool. Pfanners fit my pfanny real good ;)
  19. Bermy


    Yes, isn't she great on the phone, I feel bad I can't remember her name. Definitely an asset for TreeStuff! Willard, those Pfanners are the ultimate definition of 'fancy pants'! I was sent a pair of size small to check the size (too big) but wow, they have everything in the right place...
  20. Bermy


    Did TreeStuff take care of me or what! I placed an order before I left Oz, to be collected on my way through Boston to Bermuda. Long and short of it among other things I ordered a piar of XXS Pfanner arborist ventilation. I was in the airport in Melbourne, checked my email and Luke had to tell...