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  1. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    It used to be common place for temps below zero for weeks on end but not so much the last several years .We have this big giant lake to the north of us called Erie which pretty much sets the weather patterns .At the same time the Siberian express coming down out of Canada that freezes our tail...
  2. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    It probabley depends on the design of the stove .I never crank it down until I get it burning fairly hard .The fire never went out all last winter even once . Mrs Smith thought it had once but I stirred the ash bed tossed in some tender dry ash and off it went again . Bless her heart,city girl...
  3. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    I never paid much attention to honey locust because I've never burned much of it .However with dry black locust it must drive off the volatable gasses and if the air intake is just right it burns with a blue flame about 2 inchs above the firewood stick .It kind of reminds me of a gas flame ...
  4. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    Yeah the thorns are like miniature elk antlers and can puncture a tractor tire or a foot for that matter .It's burns okay from what I see .Fact I'm going to use out of a stack of oak and locust this year if it ever gets cold enough to light the stove . I think there's around 6-7 cords in that...
  5. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    I just thought of something and I don't know if I can find the picture or not .A few years ago old Tom brought me out a mixed load of red oak and honey locust .That freakin honey locust was just as fat as that pic of the pin oak .I though he was joking until I saw the thorns growing out of it .I...
  6. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    This was all a great vast hardwood forest at one from lake Erie to the Ohio river .Over several centuies much of it was clear cut for farm land .They would leave across those open fields a big oak standing simpley for a place to rest the horses working the fields .Those oaks how ever old they...
  7. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    For clarification Stig in these parts there are basically four kinds of oak .Northern red, white ,bur and pin .Everyone of them is heavy . Red and white have a market for saw logs ,bur only for pallets cribbing etc .Pin none that I know of and of the four pin is the worst to split . Most...
  8. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    Elm is not the greatest firewood either .Certain things like heavy loading planks etc it's hard to beat though because unlike oak it doesnt have a propensity to split and as it dries out it gets lighter .That freakin oak never seems to get lighter and even if it does you age so it feels the same...
  9. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    Elm is nearly impossible to split with an axe plus it will bend like a noodle before it breaks . I'll guarantee if that barefoot sweety with the double bit axe laid into a chunk of American elm she'd stick the axe .It's a pain in the buttocks with wedges and it takes several to get-er-done .In...
  10. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    Those are urinal cookies for heavens sakes don't eat one .It is comical to drop one in somebodies beer glass though .:/:
  11. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    I always try to have a couple wheel barrows full of good dry cherry or hickory to burn when the grand children are here over the Yule season .The rest of the heating season I could care less ,swamp willow or pizz elm ,it all burns .
  12. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    On that chick flippen that axe ,yeah that might work on aspen or poplar .Send her eastward some time and see how she does on oak or hickory or even EAB killed ash .
  13. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    Cherry really isn't the best firewood although it does smell good when it's burning .I've got maybe a cord from standing dead and windfalls .Anything over about 10" and straight 8 foot or longer I try to save for saw logs but it's been a long time since I've found any . There looked like a...
  14. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    Which no doubt would cause rather flat noses one should think .
  15. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    No no no ! The log was a gnarly knotty pot licker 20 inchs in diameter and 12 feet long .I had it cut into 16" long rounds .Geeze twenty feet ,make a hell of a rail fence for sure or a tooth pick for a giant .
  16. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    I had one short squaty Ash trunk today about 20 inch across and 12 feet long .I couldn't even get a wedge started in the knotty rascal .About like driving an axe into the rubber track of an Abrams tank .I mean that SOB is tough .It'll wait for the hydraulics . I don't know what it is about...
  17. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    The blade portion is hardened but about half way up it is not or at least most aren't . That old splitter I have is hard forged and the cutting edge is so hard you can hardly file it .The head and eye portions are soft . There's old blacksmith tricks they had of which I only know a few .I...
  18. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    Yeah could have been reworked .The shape and style of a cruiser most likely had different head shapes .More than likely the west coasters used a longer head slimmer design that could really sink in to those fir trees .Probabley with real long handles too .What few that haven't rusted away in...
  19. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    If you look at those double bit axes those ladies are swinging they are built differently than the traditional "cruiser " style . The blade is wider and the distance to the handle from face is shorter with a faster taper . I'm only guessing but presume with all the pine type trees in the photo...
  20. Al Smith

    Splittin' wood tips.. the old fashoned way

    If you have to split over concrete if nothing else stack up two pieces of scrap 3/4" plywood .That should save the axe if you miss and probabley the concrete as well .