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  1. mistahbenn

    Eating lunch

    No probs mate. Anything you wanna ask, go right ahead!
  2. mistahbenn

    Eating lunch

    Mine was two tones that would play random rhythms. Very annoying and only at night.
  3. mistahbenn

    Eating lunch

    On and off a year, but this time it's serious, and it really is working... No alcohol! My tinnitus had gone over the last few nights! Been back on 6 days now.
  4. mistahbenn

    Eating lunch

    Yep Cory and long distance (100 miles) runners do it, cyclists, all sorts....
  5. mistahbenn

    Eating lunch

    Its gotta be the future right Butch> We survived millions of years eating this way, only in the last 100 years since the agricultural revolution have all the diseases popped up, and the gov insist diabetics eat plenty of bread and pasta on their 'diet' lol!?? Its the drug companies in control of...
  6. mistahbenn

    Eating lunch

    Tim, its a big subject... could yammer on for hours about it.... Basically its very low carb, medium protein and high fat way of eating. Meat, fish, eggs, butter, bacon, (As clean as you can get), green veggies, heavy cream, etc basically nothing processed... Turns the body from burning glycogen...
  7. mistahbenn

    Eating lunch

    We always have breakfast, and get a load of work done then have an early lunch (Hot food usually) before cracking back into it. My diet enables me to run off my fat store so I have 30,000 cals in the tank instead of 3000 :)