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  1. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    They weren't kidding! This was in today's mail love nick
  2. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    The deductible is the amount that I have to pay in an accident that I cause or if it is impossible to find out who caused the accident. I still cannot believe that I have to pay for damage that you do. love nick
  3. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    This is exactly how I thought it worked. I assumed by her fancy BMW, Beverly Hills address and the fact that I only ever talked to her assistant after the accident that they got the money to have nice insurance. But I also know that she hopped out, was very apologetic, immediately took full...
  4. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    But I've never had an insurance company give in so quickly. I'm pretty stoked right about now. love nick
  5. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    Wanna read the craziest email I just got?... "Dear Mr. Araya, You deductible has really nothing to do with fault. It is the amount you chose to pay up front when you have a loss. I was trying to explain that your deductible works like a co-payment. Upon you submitting a claim, if you want...
  6. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    Well that's the thing. I didn't file a claim with my insurance. This is where it all gets F'd up. I called my insurance and told them what happened. They said that it didn't seem like I needed to file a claim, but they wanted to take a report so they have the details when they need them. So...
  7. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    Oh- we know who did it! The lady pulled over, apologized, said she must've misjudged the distance and everything. This is why I'm confused.
  8. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    Exactly. I have a letter from my insurance saying they've finished reviewing the case and they determined I am not at fault. So why am I paying a deductible.
  9. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    Luckily it wasn't the chipper but the actual chip Truck! And the damage done isn't something that another person would really notice unless they were inspecting for damage. However, it is hard to lock and unlock the door with the key now...grrrr It's slightly moot because the truck will be...
  10. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    No way- you're not following me. I'm being theoritical here. I could have a crappy car that I don't intend to repair so it's not costing me ANYTHING and it will cost you $500. Then after you get it fixed I'll swing by and do it again...on accident of course....and it'll cost you ANOTHER $500...
  11. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    So let me get this straight. If I'm pissed at you and you have a $500 deductible and I run in to your car, even though the insurance will cover the costs, you are still out your $500 so I CAN exact revenge on you by hitting your car? That can't be right. Please someone tell me tophopper is...
  12. NickfromWI

    Insurance and deductibles

    Question: I have a $1,000 deductible. I get hit. Our insurance company says they reviewed it and I was 0% at fault. They make me pay the deductible still. Is that right? I called them out on it and they said, I reviewed your policy and it does hold at $1,000 deductible. The $1,000...