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  1. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

  2. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    I'm lost. Yes, I try to be one of the good employers ;)
  3. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    So as an employer I am responsible for healthcare? Safety, yes, but healthcare?
  4. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    Just trying to figure this out...
  5. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    I could care less if they change or not, it boils down to, if you want to work here, this is what we expect. The choice is ultimately theirs if every thing else qualifies. There are over 50 tree companies within 50 miles, I employ 4 people, they really don't need me. What am I supposed to be...
  6. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    I'd say that would be the persons choice. "Well, i'd like to work for you but i'm tied up for a few weeks, is that ok?" Or something to that effect would likely work
  7. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    Randoms require the person drawn to go directly to the testing facility. If they do not or if they leave before testing (even if they have been waiting hours, which never happens here) or can't fill the cup within 3 hours, that is considered a refusal to test. Automatic failure
  8. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    Sure, I have sent guys home that didn't have their head in the game. I'm not a hater, just looking out for me and mine on a safety front. New dad's with not enough sleep can be a problem.
  9. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    Like I said, I have let guys go that passed pre employment and randoms but got back into it anyway.
  10. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    The government may require me to do it but if I ever got rid of my commercial rigs I would still do it. So that said, it has nothing to do with rights other than my right to choose who I hire. They are not required to test, they can find work elsewhere if they don't want to pee in a cup. Stig...
  11. sotc

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    Having commercial trucks, I am required to do pre emp and random testing, it has helped me find more qualified people. One of the first questions out of my mouth is if they can pass these. Ends the interview so often, but a few still slip through and down the road they go. Never been any hard...