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  1. Al Smith

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    There seems to be a difference in opinion concerning exactly what is a "drug " . We drinkers if we are honest about will admit it's not the safest thing to become imbibed and attempt to do anything where your reflexs and judgement mind be impaired .Likewise it's probabley not the best practice...
  2. Al Smith

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    Ha I drank Heineken beer right on the fantail of a Dutch cruiser in Roosevelt Roads P.R .
  3. Al Smith

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    You can abuse anything truth be known .
  4. Al Smith

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    Some of the guys at work went to Bremen Germany a few years back to watch a run off and final testing for some high speed CNC machinery .They remarked they had beer machines in the break rooms . I guess from what they said it isn't a problem to have a cold one but it is to get chit faced on the...
  5. Al Smith

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    They have different guide lines depending on what a person does for a living .Obviously they have to be more strict on air traffic controllers and railroad engineers .By the same token though you occasionally hear stories of hung over or snockered air line pilots which seems counter productive ...
  6. Al Smith

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    Maybe with age comes wisdom --or not .I remember wooping it up on a regular bassis .Hooting with the owls but soaring with the eagles so to speak the next day . Then the realization sinks in that if the conditions present themselves as in the case of an accident weather it's your fault or not...
  7. Al Smith

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    I had to take a screening test too before I was hired in .It's too good of a job to screw up so I don't . So I do what I have to do .Having said that though I still don't trust the system .
  8. Al Smith

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    It was a carry over from the Regan administration ,the so called war on drugs which has proven to be ineffective .More or less just eyewash as far as I'm concerned . If the testing was truely infalable it would be one thing but it's been proven time again that's not the case .I think like just...
  9. Al Smith

    Pre Employment Drug Testing?

    This testing business has turned into the McCarthy communist witch hunts of the early 60's .There have been so many erronious tests that have ruined peoples carreers such as one Naval aviator that proved the test was incorrect .Even so because of a blemish on his record as far as the navy was...