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  1. CurSedVoyce

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    Goodnight... Supposed to slay a cedar tomorrow if it does not rain... Guess I should be asleep as well. Now if only my eyes would stay shut :lol:
  2. CurSedVoyce

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    HA shows green here....
  3. CurSedVoyce

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    Awake again here after finally getting some coffee and feeding the kiddos cheese omelettes. Kat came home from work and found me snoozing at 8:30. HA! So much for my morning nap! She gave the kids their stockings and went back to it. Rob is playing with the kids Tinkertoy kits I found for them...
  4. CurSedVoyce

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    I am truly perplexed ........ :lol:
  5. CurSedVoyce

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    I bet he has had intimate relations with a woman with all us sitting here seeing him on line....
  6. CurSedVoyce

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