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  1. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    Cows are so easy going for the most part that you never think much about them attacking you.
  2. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    Mad cow! Glad you're OK.
  3. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    That was a "Kong double rope" ascender. the climber thrust it up where the ropes spread at a tie in point. It pushed the cams open. Happened more than once with those ascenders. For the same reason you don't want to push a prusik up to the same area where the rope spreads. 5:1 they say...
  4. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    There might as well be a pit of rattlers down there.
  5. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    if a stake is under the tree I'll pull it out or bend it over if I can. I can not stand the thought of those things being under the tree I'm climbing. ugh
  6. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    Lanyard has always been an integral part of the climbing system as far back in the business that I can remember. The 60's. Though I knew a few fellows that told me they started out climbing not using a lanyard, but they were when using them when they were telling me that. So I think it's...
  7. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    I'd say that qualifies.
  8. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    Oh man those swing backs will rattle you like throwing a rag doll against the wall. It's happened to me a few times. the first was the worst by far because it caught me totally by surprise. the second time was totally my fault for going ahead with the traverse when I knew better. And the...
  9. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    Always has been that little thing, thought or feeling that ate at me when ever I worked alone. Which many times I just decided not to. Safety is of course the big reason, but just dropping a rope or a hand saw out of the tree can require coming out and then going back up. Super big pain...
  10. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    I was with another climber, Jay. Rarely in my career did I ever work/climb alone. Never felt comfortable with it.
  11. gf beranek

    Longest Fall or Swing

    Came to the end of my rope without a stopper knot and paid the piper with a 40 plus foot fall. Landed flat face down in the redwood duff a foot thick. Left an impression. Right next to where I landed was an old top which would have busted every bone in body. Luck. I remember the fall but...