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  1. HolmenTree


    Fiona its good to hear the job went smoothly and you're safe and sound. I like those big jobs that give a sense of accomplishment, also good word of mouth for future projects. I still can't find what species that tree is that I showed earlier. Like I said some local from the area said it was a...
  2. HolmenTree


    Here is the once in a lifetime photo my wife and I had taken of us on our honeymoon in Egypt riding out into the desert, she was terrified and I was cool with it. Last picture my wife took of me drinking a 7 UP with the locals.
  3. HolmenTree


    Hey Dylan your not calling me a bullshitter now are you?:lol: I didn't get a picture of the Camaro, but I did have time to take a picture of the taxi cab we were riding in on the way to the step pyramids in Saqqara when I noticed the Camaro along the way. All I had time to say to my wife was WTF...
  4. HolmenTree


    No not Stella Artois, just Stella,it has been brewed in Giza, Egypt since 1897. Beer has been made in Egypt since ancient times. Heineken International bought out the Stella company Al Ahram Beverages in 2002 the year I was there. I googled Egyptian trees and came up with a flowering ficus fig...
  5. HolmenTree


    Stephen here is a couple of photos my wife and I took of the ship by the great pyramids.
  6. HolmenTree


    I could keep going, the pyramids are only a small part. The whole country livens your senses. Take a stroll down a Cairo street and markets with chaotic traffic and 20 million people and still feel very safe. My advice sew a Canadian flag on your backpack and enjoy the friendly hospitility of...
  7. HolmenTree


    History....... this is where it all started [ the Greeks can argue], mathematics, medicine, engineering, literature.......... =You don't know how big the great pyramids are until your taxi driver drops you off right next to them. That taxi cab only costs you $20 US for all day all over Cairo and...
  8. HolmenTree


    Yes it is. this museum exhibit with the whole cedar ship is inside a large glass building [ Solar Barque Museum] right next to the great pyramid at Giza nearby Cairo. The dry conditions are just right for these artifacts to last almost 5000 yrs. This ship was unearthed in 1954. One day I have to...
  9. HolmenTree


    Adding to my last post, now that I have my new laptop and scanner figured out, here is something else interesting from Egypt. Here is some 3 strand rope that is almost 5000 years old. From one of Pharaoh Khufu's sailing ships. Here is a better picture of the horny tree also.
  10. HolmenTree


    Well here it is guys, I finally found a picture of this Eygptian tree that I shot in Luxor in 2002. Its a little grainy thanks to the 35mm being scanned , but look close and you can see the sharp horns on the trunk. Also notice the yellow flowers. This tree was about 40 feet tall and about 30"...
  11. HolmenTree


    Awesome job you did there Fiona and your groundie took some good pictures. I will dig out that picture of the Eygptian tree and scan it onto here,maybe tomorrow. I'm into the busiest time of the year for my tree service plus also putting my house up for sale and trying to get renovations done...
  12. HolmenTree


    When I think of Ficus I think of a tree with its trunk covered with 1 inch long very sharp horns or spikes. I saw this tree along a street in Luxor, Eygpt. I asked a local what this tree is called and in his strong Eygptian accent he said " fee cuss". Beautiful tree. I have pictures of it in...