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  1. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    What,bell bottoms? They didn't come into fashion until the 70's .However in the late 60's I had the real McCoy . US navy issued too . Now the duck azz haircut,I quit combing my hair about that time but the damned stuff fell out anyways ,that kinda sucked .So here it is ,hair falling off the top...
  2. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    :lol: Yesere buddy ,sure was .Leather jacket, ducktail hair cut,the whole nine yards .:lol:
  3. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    These comments are nothing new because I recall having the exact conversaions in the mid 60's and nobody could agee on what was best even that long ago .It was hot rod engines in those days though .
  4. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    Bell ,Jennings and Mac Dizzey pretty much agree with a smooth surface but not a mirror finish .Some though that make some pretty hot running saws polish the dickens out of them so who's right is anyones guess .
  5. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    Oh I forgot to mention ,on the 038 mag which I've been into 4 times .The first go around I spent hours polishing and it was like a mirror ,ran okay .The next three times it was with the craytex but of course with some more port work included .Of course it runs better but as such with no...
  6. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    I think they call it the skin effect . Since you mentioned the golf ball ,the Stihl 038 AV had a dimpled intake .It also had an offset combustion chamber and a roundish hemi domed piston .Evidently they must have changed their minds because the mags had smooth intake ,flat top piston and a...
  7. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    I shine em both up but not to the extent I once did .It seems you can get a certain effect when the gas/air mixture goes over an extremely polished surface that actually hinders the desired effect .From what I've read it appears the fuel gets liquidized instead of staying in suspension within...
  8. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    TW isn't to only one that shines them like a mirror .;)
  9. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    There no reason you couldn't soup up a blower ..Probabley the first thing to do would be to put more carb on them as they are usually pretty small .I have an idea though it wouldn't be hard to wring one out because air moving equipment really takes the power .Moving air is a constant load where...
  10. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    I really liked that old war horse .
  11. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    The 166 hotty had the largest intake and carb of any saw I've ever seen .It would have seemed it came off a small motorcycle rather than a saw engine .
  12. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    Well it definately snagged something by the looks of things .Also that ex port could have stood a little rework ,kinda rough . No big deal but just to point out it doesn't take much obstruction to put a damper in things . That one wasn't so bad though because I've worked on them where the...
  13. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    :lol: I have to laugh at the mention of a chainsaw file port job .Old Gyp actually did that and the 044 didn't run too bad .During the saws evolution though he hung it two or three times .Knocked the thing apart,sanded down the piston and stuck it back together . I don't recommend that method...
  14. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    If you're going to get serious about this stuff first read,study ,read study .Then you're going to need more than just a file and some sandpaper . The basics are a degree wheel,a small die grinder like a Dremel .You'll need an assortment of small cutters,polishing fobs and compound. Craytex...
  15. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    I didn't watch the vid but I'm sure it gives the basics .Go to Macdizzey and take a peek . Myself or anyone else can't pull numbers out of the blue and expect that anybody would have success based soley on that .You have to account for cylinder size,expected RPM range etc .plus the fact no two...
  16. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    No I'm saying a cookie cutter makes a pizz poor worker .To make a cookie cutter in order to get the RPM's real high you take the exhaust port real high which kills the torque . R's don't do you much good unless you have the grunt to go along with it .The one thing noone wants is a wimpy saw you...
  17. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    What do you want it to do ,be a good worker or a cookie cutter ?
  18. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    Well salmon eggs make pretty good bait for fish ,never thought about eating them myself .
  19. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    That praticular saw is the most powerfull puller of an 084 I've ever seen .Mr Combs done good on that one .
  20. Al Smith

    How many of you are running ported saws

    I'll bet if you did a little work on that steel muffler it wouldn't glow like Rudolphs nose .