Search results for query: *

  1. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    The ring doesn't have any room to go in or out as is, ramp or not. It's jammed tight between the groove in the cylinder and the little recess around the head. But it can still be serviceable without telling openly that it actually is. To get it out without damaging anything, try to push the...
  2. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    The japanese maple will have no chance in the fight.
  3. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    How well it's sharp, not how well it cuts. The finger's skin tells you that there's an edge around here, but not where the edge is precisely located. What I mean is if you don't file enough the cutter for exemple, you can have still a small rounded area between the top surface and the actual...
  4. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    My wife is desperate to find out that too for my projects.
  5. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    Friday was a dentist"s day. He bored the bone to insert two metal roots for a couple of new teeth. At he occasion, he found a pocket of rot under the next tooth. I don't know if it's an actual new one or an old one missed previously when he extracted the wrecked teeth. So the resultant hole in...
  6. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    From the bark and twigs, I'd say horse chestnut.
  7. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    Trees usually shed only some occasional dead limbs. Here, the whole trees are falling, regardless of the size. Say from 4 " or less, to 24-30" diameter, for an average height around 60-70'. No worry in the middle of nowhere, beside being ugly, but it's a real concern when it's across the paths...
  8. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    Last day of the last job of the year. with rain of course. All is wet, muddy, rusty and moldy. Sad job, as the little forest in a castle's ground is ill. Plenty of trees are dying or even fall apart everywhere. Maple, oak, pine, elm, hornbeam, ash, hawthorn, black locust... so many species are...
  9. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    National critter for France is the rooster. Who can be proud of that ? Seriously !!!
  10. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    On my baby chipper, two features can do that, even in good working order: - The dump valve adjusted to control the oil flow available. It modulate the speed of the intake roller and the wheels for moving the chipper around. It sends the excess oil directly to the tank, bypassing all the system...
  11. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    Soon as you start tumbling something on rust, you'll make fines.
  12. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    Third session at the dentist this week. Four usual sessions in one as previously. It was less stressful this time, but still far from being enjoyable. One advantage though, I got four new teeth. One destroyed molar has to be extracted in january. Then after a while, it will be replaced as well...
  13. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    My sleepy engine in my van woke up unexpectedly. I guess it's doubtful that the injectors are concerned like I thought initially. When I started it on the parking lot at the grocery store, it showed its full power, running good even at low rpm. Then, the next day, the light of "engine defect"...
  14. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    Against this sort of cut, I use this all the time, like my chainsaw trousers. It's the same concept, with many layers of loose fibers designed to jam the chain and the sprockets. They served me well a couple times, one on top and one under. I was glad to have them. Added advantage, it's a nice...
  15. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    I didn't lost my wedding ring, it's more like I lost track of it. At first, I took it off when I did some work at home to not damage it. Concrete, stones, chisel, even the tool's handles aren't kind to the polished surface. It was the same in the country during the holidays. It was on and off my...
  16. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    A big session at the dentist. Big as 4 usual ones tied together. I delayed the visit at the dentist for years. Actually the covid cut me short in my tracks to repair the first damaged tooth, a molar crumbling by a old repaired cavity starting again. Then more cavities added progressively, a lot...
  17. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    Battle with the boiler. I'm such a shitty welder ! It's about the worse weld I ever made. I'll be lucky if it's water tight.
  18. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    I looked my boiler and found the leak. Corrosion it is, a 1/8" hole at the bottom of the steel body under the foam insulation. With the pointy welding hammer, it turned out in a 1/2" hole and two other smaller ones 1 and 2" apart. It seems just a the edge of the thermal affected area from the...
  19. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    The gaz central heater of the house dumped its water on the basement's floor. It's working all year long, but it chooses when the temp is dropping seriously to begin a strike. I didn't find yet a clue for the leak's origine. I hope a faulty union, but it could as well be corrosion of the steel...
  20. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    This night, I heard a ruckus outside with the plates for the cats. It isn't in their habits, both eat quietly. I looked at it and saw a hedgehog eating the cat's dry food leftover. Funny. This morning the plates were well cleaned.