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  1. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Yesterday I learned how to do tree injections, or at least one variation on the theme. Today I believe we're going back out to forest lakes to drop some beetle kills. Homeowner also needs a significant amount of mistletoe remediation. Looked at a pair of big ponderosas yesterday, one removal...
  2. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Alright David, I'm calling off the wedding. It's just that our differences are irreconcilable. I'm a Stihl bitch, and I'll not have your icky HooskVerna in our relationship any longer. Let alone whoever Jonsred is! My boss likes husky too, but I accredit that to his youth. He also hasn't ever...
  3. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Here's a before pictures. Yall have to wait til tomorrow for afters.
  4. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Cleaned up a few jobs so we'd have a clear weekend. Then we went and made a mess in Forest Lakes. Then I drove the 85 miles to springerville so I could take care of my best friend David's mom's trees lol. His lovely girlfriend Danni is making pork and potatoes for supper. Home cooked sounds...
  5. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Well... Had to break up with the new girlfriend today. Turns out that dumpster fire can rage on unabated, as my efforts won't avail. Her two boys are in foster care. There's the first red flag. My best friend's mom is the foster parent. There's the conflict of interest. So i still have...
  6. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Got my girls dropped on me last night, and the boss canceled today. Now I have no idea what to do with today, but it'll be good because I have my babies.
  7. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    I'm officially on the boss's ass to go to a doctor. It seems a large part of the issue in the morning is him trying to catch his stomach. Not to get too deep into it, but the symptoms he described sounds a lot like Chron's. He's 24, he needs to get a handle on whatever this is, and yesterday...
  8. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    I climbed today. Nothing major, just a little apple that needed help. It still does, but I think it'll need a year to recover after today. Very neglected tree, lots of crossed branches and such. Many bad old cuts. We did what we could. We also trimmed the maple in front of it.
  9. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Easy day at work today, drop a couple of little whip poles, then I helped the boss clean his yard. Gonna get off early, and go do laundry. Ash is driving down from showlow to hang out again, hopefully I'll get to bed at a decent hour. She's young and I feel like an old man trying to keep up. I...
  10. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Things dis not go to plan this morning. Truck will have to go to the shop to have the bearings done. The hex head screws that hold the hubs together are stripped. Extracting them isn't exactly something I'm willing to do with hand tools in a parts store parking lot. The ball joints need done...
  11. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    I feel your Ford problems there bro... gotta do bearings tomorrow, can't keep putting it off
  12. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    So... last night was so interesting it's spilled over into today... We had a pinkish purple glow to the sky most all night, I didn't see anything else remarkable, but I was busy giving my attention to a lovely young woman. Ash and I hit it off immediately, and had a wonderful time. Once again...
  13. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    No view of the light show from camp. I was also a bit distracted...
  14. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Not so much. Since I know you're not going to read several satirical novels to understand my joke, I'll ruin it by explaining. The Sam Vimes Theory of Boots and the Universe... A rich man buys $100 boots. They are comfortable, they are well made, they last a long time, they dont leak. A poor...
  15. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Read Pratchett to understand the difference between 10 and 100 dollar boots..."The Sam Vimes Theory of Boots and the Universe" I felt the other boot split this morning. It's as bad off as the first now. I'll be buying the 50 dollar boots, since the 500 dollar ones will be a bit I'm coming...
  16. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Lolz I'm a size 13, most places don't carry my size.
  17. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Dagnabit! Boots are so dadgummed expensive! I think I can rob the insoles out of this pair for my other pair of Doc Martin's, but they'll have a limited life expectancy as it is. Do I spend $50 on cheap boots that won't last long, or $500+ on good boots that I know I'll get my money out of...
  18. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    I always have a standing 2 chord per year order from my buddy George. It's about to become a priority, and I already have the permits.
  19. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Roger Wilco, David. I'd love to have something worth you coming out for! Also, I'll be far more available in a few months, like toward winter. If all goes well, I'll have affordable transportation by then, and can actually drive out there. Or elsewhere, for you other folks... may well end up...
  20. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Thank you sir. Yes they are, have been since I started. Nothing like having a purpose, even if it's just being the best employee I can be, the best who's ever worked for him. It's a small, simple goal, but it's important to me.